Gila’kasla Caravan – Vancouver Island – 2018

The Gila’kasla Caravan is already becoming a distant memory. But the fun and fellow-ship lives on in the minds of the 23 members who travelled with us for 17 days. Starting with Christmas in July at Parksville, complete with Christmas trees and Santa hats, and ending with the final catered banquet in Seal Bay, the caravan provided a variety of experiences. There were opportunities for hiking, swimming, cycling, kayaking and sightseeing. We covered all sides of northern Vancouver Island from Brown’s Bay and Telegraph Cove on the east side to San Josef Bay on the northern tip of the Island and out to Friendly Cove on the west coast aboard the Uchuck III. A three day wilderness stay in Strathcona Park with no services was challenging for some but the sheer beauty of the area was worth any unease. There is a bonding between caravan members that cannot be explained. Just know that when it comes to the end of a caravan, everyone leaves feeling richer for the experience. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to the caravan.